Two Superfest attendees watch the screen intently.

Two Superfest attendees watch the screen intently.

Superfest celebrates how far both cinema and people with disabilities have come by providing an array of stories that represent disability culture in all its diverse, complex, and engaging facets. Your contribution advances the work of disabled artists’ films that explore disability through a new lens and provides a platform for artists to share their stories with the world. Please make a difference today and join our community of supporters.

A special thank you goes out to all of our sponsors and community supporters who made Superfest 2022 more amazing than our wildest expectations. We look forward to 2023!

To inquire about sponsorship, please contact Emily Beitiks at beitiks@sfsu.edu or 415.338.6010


Available for sponsorships of $5,000 or more
Ten e-tickets to both days’ events
Invitation for two to Exclusive Zoom Q&A with Filmmakers, Producers and Actors
Name and logo in e-program, electronic flyers, website and outreach media
Announcement of sponsorship on screen and from the introductory remarks at Superfest
Your support will be publicized in eNewsletter (10,000+), social media (7,900+), and press releases


Available for sponsorships of $2,500 to $4,999
Six e-tickets to both days’ events
Name and logo in e-program, electronic flyers, website and outreach media
Invitation to Exclusive Zoom Q&A with Filmmakers, Producers and Actors
Announcement of sponsorship on screen and from the introductory remarks at Superfest
Your support will be publicized in eNewsletter (10,000+), social media (7,900+), and press releases


Available for sponsorships of $1,000 to $2,499
Four e-tickets to both days’ events
Name and logo in e-program, electronic flyers, website and outreach media
Invitation to Exclusive Zoom Q&A with Filmmakers, Producers and Actors
Announcement of sponsorship on screen and from the introductory remarks at Superfest
Your support will be publicized in eNewsletter (10,000+), social media (7,900+), and press releases


Available for sponsorships of $500 to $999
Two e-tickets to both days’ events
Name in e-program, electronic flyers, website and outreach media
Your support will be publicized in eNewsletter (10,000+), social media (7,900+), and press releases


Available for sponsorships of $100 to $499
Two tickets to one day of events
Your support will be publicized in eNewsletter (10,000+), social media (7,900+), and press releases


Available for sponsorships of any amount
Name on festival website